March 13, 2006

My March Monday mixtape

Happy Monday! A short post today, as I'm tired. But coming to Legwarmers later this week: Liz's list of dating deal breakers, desireables and undecideds.

Until then, here's the soundtrack to March thus far:

1. Jackie Greene: "Sweet Somewhere Bound": ITunes says I've played pretty much every song from this album 13 times since I cleared the Top 25 Most Played playlist (last Wednesday). So everything from that album must, by default, be on this list. But if you need a few specific tracks for download, try "Sad To Say Goodbye", "Honey, I've Been Thinking About You", and "Don't Mind Me, I'm Only Dying Slow".

2. Tristan Prettyman: "November"

3. Fiona Apple: "Mistake" and "First Taste" -- Her old stuff has worked her way back into my playlists after a two-month hiatus. What can I say? I can't resist her.

4. Ellie Lawson: "L.A. (I'm Under The Spell)" She tends to do a British Alanis thing on her album "Philosophy Tree", which is sometimes "eh" and sometimes very cool. This song has been on the playlist of late, though.

5. Annie Lennox and Paul Simon: "Something So Right"

6. Psapp: "Cozy in the Rocket" -- I can (and have been) listening to the whole album ("Tiger, My Friend") all the way through without switching songs. That's rare. It's experimental but chill, and you can zone out to it at work or writing.

7. Pete Rock and CL Smooth: "They Reminisce Over You" and "Take Your Time" -- Old school hip hop.

8. Inara George: "Infinity"


The Man said...

what happened to the rest of the links? links. links. links!

Trebuchet said...

Links coming. By the end of the day, no later. :) Thanks for keeping me on point!